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The municipality of Milan has decided to elaborate a PRG of the public lighting in order to give an organic development to the participations of lighting system in the communal area redesigning the city in the nocturnal hours in order to render it more vivible and sure...
The municipality of Milan has decided to elaborate a PRG of the public lighting in order to give an organic development to the participations of lighting system in the communal area redesigning the city in the nocturnal hours in order to render it more vivible and sure. The drawing up of the City Plan of the Light has been developt in two different ways: at first it has been operated for the planning of the participations in the suburban areas and external to the historical center and, successively, it has been passed to the drawing up of the plan for the historical center.
The consistency of the system was characterized from approximately 90 thousand light points, of which more of half are obsolete (with more than 30 years than life).
With the realization of the plan we decide to attain the following fundamental objectives:
- re-modernize the obsolete system;
- illuminate the suburban areas;
- exploit the artistic patrimony of the city;
- re-qualify the green equipped areas.
The planning has been lead in collaboration with Arch. Gianni Forcolini e Arch. Christiana Donzelli.
Suburban district _ Feltre District
The Feltre District is one of the eight districts planned for the City Plan of the Light to Milan.
The Feltre District is a typical residential area composed from residential roads and the public green and very integrated in «woven» city.
Through the lighting of the district we want to increase the security rising the lighting system in the motor and pedestrian traffic areas.
In the parks you play and in the green areas they have been installed globes of garden for giving a lighting system diffused to the tree-lined avenues and the communication trenches, (today impracticable sight the new law about luminous pollution of the Lombardy Region to date 2000), in order to riqualify and to render livable the zone in the nocturnal hours.
Globes of garden have been installed also along the perimetric distances of the jointly owned block of flats that are characterized of wide tree-lined sidewalks, in order to create a sure connection between a building and other.
Besides the lighting systems of the entrances have been integrated on the public building and parking thus giving the possibility to the inhabitants of the district of being able to have use of the social, cultural and recreational activities that are organized there.
Durability of system:
- 209 octagonal poles in steel of 4 metres with globular instruments and lamps to mercury vapours of 125W;
- 88 octogonal poles of 10 metres with simple arm and two with two arms of 0,30 meters with lamps to sodium with high pressure of 150W;
- 47 octagonal poles of 10 metres with simple arm and another with two arms of 0,30 metres with lamps to sodium with high pressure of 250W.
Green Areas _ Public gardens at Via Valsesia
The gardens of Via Valsesia are an example of lighting system of the green areas of the suburban zones in which the demand for an increase of the levels of illumination has created a diffused scenographic lighting system, whether to the aims of the emergency or to the road conditions of the same area; in the green areas of the center instead a discreet lighting system has been adopt in order to obtain an harmonic effect with the surrounding historical buildings.
Durability of system:
- 33 poles of 4 metres with globular instruments for garden and lamps of 125W with mercury vapours;
- 11 lighthouses of 25 metres, each one with five different lamps of 250W with vapours of sodium and 400W with metal iodines.
Historic center _ Via Torino
Via Torino is one of the main ways among those that are place on the Public square of the Dome.
The suspended system has been replaced with instruments upon a pole that is like those around the square, the all with white light lamps that are mounted on conical poles with two arms on both sides of the road in alternated way.
Durability of system:
- 65 conical poles of 8.80 metres with two arms on which lamps of 250W with vapours of mercury are mounted.